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VDMSL Elite League
VDMSL Women’s Elite League
VDMSL Contenders Cup
VDMSL Community League 1
VDMSL Community League 4
VDMSL Coed Championship 2
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Futsal Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 4
VDMSL Futsal Championship
VDMSL Championship
VDMSL Women’s Championship
VDMSL Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 4
VDMSL Gray Cup
VDMSL Community League 2
VDMSL Soccer 5 Championship
VDMSL Elite League 2
VDMSL Championship 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 5
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup
VDMSL Championship 5
VDMSL Contenders Cup 7
VDMSL Coed Elite League
VDMSL Coed Championship
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 8
VDMSL Community League 3
VDMSL Soccer 5 Contenders Cup
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 1
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 3
VDMSL Elite League
VDMSL Women’s Elite League
VDMSL Contenders Cup
VDMSL Community League 1
VDMSL Community League 4
VDMSL Coed Championship 2
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Futsal Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 4
VDMSL Futsal Championship
VDMSL Championship
VDMSL Women’s Championship
VDMSL Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 4
VDMSL Gray Cup
VDMSL Community League 2
VDMSL Soccer 5 Championship
VDMSL Elite League 2
VDMSL Championship 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 5
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup
VDMSL Championship 5
VDMSL Contenders Cup 7
VDMSL Coed Elite League
VDMSL Coed Championship
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 8
VDMSL Community League 3
VDMSL Soccer 5 Contenders Cup
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 1
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 3
Aziz Alazzam
Franck Die
Thomas Bencivenga
Adam O'Connell
Jerome Baker
Jon Carrick
Cristiano Pinheiro
Rizk Staili
Nooradeen Alfakhori
Farzam Daniyali
Mohamed Hadi
Nathaniel Cziranka-Crooks
Robert Medalsy
Kevin Wetie
David Diffo
Eduardo Aldape Palacios
Tudal Fossouo
Jordan Ngeuzam
Atanas Zhechev
Alex Bensalem
Ismail Faiz
Michael Bassi
Othman Daghy
Ejiroghene Okora
Sam Toma
Mike Aragones
David Evenamede
Rami Thabet
Aden Haddouche
Tarik Mahtout
Nathan Etienne
Billy Marvens Gerard
Jean Paul Victor
Omar Burnley
Mitchell Lee
Jairo Rios
Florian Clery
Nawfal Chabibi
Bakr Rahali
Yann Quash
Mohammed Hafidi
Mike Leonoff
Bilal Nasr
Fadi Alkot
Logan Duff-Meadwell
Aziz Alazzam
Pascal Marsolais
Antoine Cyr
Rene Rodriguez
Esdras Tamba Masevo
Robin Bruno
Roy Cheng
Youssef Sbeiti
Mehdi Benguerrah
Youssef Sangar
Ranko Bobusic
Yassine Chomane
Nadir Chakib
Ismael Cheregui
Bilal Akerkoub
Yassine Yacoubi
Tomas Mijares
Meron Asghedom
Aldo Ramirez
Samuel Delaney-Sheppard
Raul Castaneda
Joseph Di Lalla
Nick Moreau
Juan Coto
Ben Magidson
Jason Gisoo Kim
Othman Elmahfoudi
Pierre Waz
Lenny Lenhard
Seydou Camara
Aiman Beegallan
Matteo Pellegrino
Walid Zniber
Brandon Sousa
Christian Squadra
Yahia Benhaili
Tranell Antoine
Dominic Fortin
1. David Colanzi
1. Patrice-Ryan Milfort
3. Ahmed Zahrani
3. Facundo Guarino
4. Aaron Rowinsky
4. Anas Harti
4. Gregory Mathurin
5. Michael Bruno
5. Eisen Berg
5. Geomic Camiau
6. Daniel Del Rossi
6. Michael Lo Presti
6. Younes Adib
7. Samy Bensemane
7. Yves Ndandji
7. Sebastien Sandeus
8. Menachem Fhima
8. Jospin Mougang
8. Carlos Elizaldo
9. Nicholas Lobraico
9. Mikel Simonian
10. Amine Lazgah
10. Luigi D'Alesio
11. Betsalel Mergui
11. Gabriel Goyer
11. Abdul-Rahman Kachouh
11. Kevin Sandeus
12. Mauricio Venegas
12. Koudouss Bamba
13. Lorenzo Mercuri
15. Nicolas Pensa
16. Sebastian Pereira
16. Mikael Dormevil
17. Nicolas Intrevado
17. Daniel Guzman
18. Anthony Mangano
19. Shyaam Fuertes
21. Francis Fazio
23. Charles Dipita
24. Guillaume Gauthier
26. Cory White
51. Mo Toure
Current Team
Squadra FC
AS Mondial
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