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VDMSL Elite League
VDMSL Women’s Elite League
VDMSL Contenders Cup
VDMSL Community League 1
VDMSL Community League 4
VDMSL Coed Championship 2
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Futsal Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 4
VDMSL Futsal Championship
VDMSL Championship
VDMSL Women’s Championship
VDMSL Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 4
VDMSL Gray Cup
VDMSL Community League 2
VDMSL Soccer 5 Championship
VDMSL Elite League 2
VDMSL Championship 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 5
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup
VDMSL Championship 5
VDMSL Contenders Cup 7
VDMSL Coed Elite League
VDMSL Coed Championship
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 8
VDMSL Community League 3
VDMSL Soccer 5 Contenders Cup
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 1
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 3
VDMSL Elite League
VDMSL Women’s Elite League
VDMSL Contenders Cup
VDMSL Community League 1
VDMSL Community League 4
VDMSL Coed Championship 2
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Futsal Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 4
VDMSL Futsal Championship
VDMSL Championship
VDMSL Women’s Championship
VDMSL Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 4
VDMSL Gray Cup
VDMSL Community League 2
VDMSL Soccer 5 Championship
VDMSL Elite League 2
VDMSL Championship 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 5
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup
VDMSL Championship 5
VDMSL Contenders Cup 7
VDMSL Coed Elite League
VDMSL Coed Championship
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 8
VDMSL Community League 3
VDMSL Soccer 5 Contenders Cup
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 1
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 3
Guillaume Feil
Filip Maric
Bruno Barazani
Santiago Gamarra
Ahemd Charif
Ibrahim Khalil
Dmitrii Kharchenko
Reda Bouamira
Yassine Zaidi
Abdsamad Gounri
Amine Khayour
Steven Gouze
Alli MNP
Mahmed MNP
Yassine MNP
Nabil MNP
Ilias Moustati
Taha El Almi
Abdelha Kouadria
Nathaniel Abitbol
Alaa Kayal
Mahou MNP
Karim MNP
Sekou Keita
Cheickna Noumanssa
Sory Gano
Pierre Pac Soo
Yannick Noah
Jesus Luongo
Medhi Mano
Moad Rahali Semlali
Victor-Olivier Menard
Jalil Benelmaddjat
Sebastian Rojas
Paul Schmieder
Thomas Hughes
Beranger Delay
Fady Saijari
Sarr Babacar
Said Haddadi
Benlounes Hamza
Serigne Cisse
Benoit Ndiaye
Xavier Mendy
Antoine Sok
Mohammed Yousef
Etienne Tine
Seydina Oumar Ndior
Jean Diame
Mbaye Hann
Abdoulaye Diarra
Yacine Hadji
Xaavian Ali
Billy Rentoul
Luis Sanchez
Faycal Bouthiba
George Bridi
Frahan Chowdury
Tahran Chowdury
Vijay Senthil
Abdullah Siddiqi
Kevin Munoz
Matthew Quenneville
Isselmou Sneiguel
Anthony Valle
Anto Jose
Alex Woo
Arthur Blot
Alex Yoon
Tarique Cleghorn
Sean Lee
Tanner Kiernan Parsons
Jisoo Kim
Emilie Corriveau
Erick Cervera
Sebastian Acosta
Hicham Mounir
Elbert Oh
Juri Andersen
Guilherme Campos
Clement Bellaigue
Adrien Petrus
Ayman Bouideh
Younes Akakba
Saad Bennis
Alexandre Duque
Camilo Recalde
Farid Dremani
Anthony Hartock
Kevin Simeon
Jorge Pulido
Fedy Zaiani
Ali Assi
Ronald Quezada
Jeffery Ouellett
Daniel Retana
Marlon Reghert
Antoine Dumas
Jacopo Alfano
Ronald Mackiona
Zach Burnley
Cristian Amaya
Abdel Majid
Ibrahim Charif
Sebastian Di Poi
Mitch Sudano
Mathis Therrien
Vincent Chateloi
Yann Quash
Paul Farid
Abbess Ben Malek
Aladyn Burnley
Mehedi MAS
Pascal Marsolais
Cristian Sierra
Amrit Singh
The Phi Nguyen
Sallif Keita
Malcom Sarr
Reda Zaali
Amine Mohamed El Alami
Razin Burnley
Dimitri Pelletier
Alexis Delphin
Guillaume Bernouf
Courtney Bowden
Hadi Ahmad
Khaled El Osta
Ben Boudard
Moussa African United
Idrissa African United
Yanko Calazana
Ney African United
Mouad MAS
Redouane Burnley
Pedro Jacob
Osama Saboni
Simon Contant
Ammar Abdo
Rami Al Wazani
Mohamed Diagne
Paul Bidegaray
Dominic Sarno
David Carby Martinez
Yassine Chomane
Ali Hamouche
Jad Ramy
Nicholas Gebran
Chris Avekidian
Oussama Kellal
Tahsin A Gabagools
Ammar Errouhi
Hugo Table
Brahim Bassene
Yassine Yacoubi
Joshua Hudson
Tomas Mijares
Guillaume Feil
Ahmed Daou
Sebastian Ramirez
Tristan Guillaumin
Mohammed MAS
Mauricio Muro
Samuel Delaney-Sheppard
Patrick Niederhold
Alexis Burnley
Brian Vincente
Diego Passion
Nick Moreau
Gilbert Mansaly
Jason Passion
Rabah Achab
Firas Chamsin
Samy Saadi
Emmanuel Nwogbo
Will Kennedy
Yanis Bourad
Jason Gisoo Kim
Florian Hulin
Valerian De Peretti
Alexandre Le Naour
Calvin Moras
Youssef Attar
Mohamed Nait Otmane
Harold Santana
Nick Ivanov
Charles Damphoffer
Sebastien Guglielmo
Stephen Wallace
Chris Avedian
Guillaume Doyon
Romain Darcel
Charles-Etienne Gauthier
Jean-Marie Kiminou
Othman Elmahfoudi
Chamith Sunkist
Virgile Nauton
Robert Borsos
The Huy Nguyen
Ziad Hanchiri
Adel Halabi
Nicolas Hogue
Samy Issa
Greg Kiar
Aiman Beegallan
Luemi Bonnaire
Justin Smith
Charlie Rizzuto
Kevin Alvarez
Lyndsquey Etienne
Mylo Boudjeltia
Roger Khoury
Simon Meliza
Houssam Elwafi
Mohamed Diara
Julien Page
Nacine Diara
Alexander Lee
Chris Passion
Yahia Benhaili
John Khoury
Sebastian Secelean
Joud Al Mamoun
Navid Tolooei
Daniel Secelean
Jonathan Bartolozzi
Pierre Bassene
Parham Behzad
Firas Raheem
Pierre Galmiche
Jalal Ja
2. Wadea Hujier
5. Antoine Millien
7. Luciano Randisi
7. Philippe Dionne
10. Yanis Saheb
14. Enzo Fleury
15. Mike Carvalho
21. Guillaume Roullard
85. Felipe Carvalho
Current Team
Fullum FC
FC Les Amis
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