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VDMSL Elite League
VDMSL Women’s Elite League
VDMSL Contenders Cup
VDMSL Community League 1
VDMSL Community League 4
VDMSL Coed Championship 2
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Futsal Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 4
VDMSL Futsal Championship
VDMSL Championship
VDMSL Women’s Championship
VDMSL Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 4
VDMSL Gray Cup
VDMSL Community League 2
VDMSL Soccer 5 Championship
VDMSL Elite League 2
VDMSL Championship 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 5
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup
VDMSL Championship 5
VDMSL Contenders Cup 7
VDMSL Coed Elite League
VDMSL Coed Championship
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 8
VDMSL Community League 3
VDMSL Soccer 5 Contenders Cup
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 1
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 3
VDMSL Elite League
VDMSL Women’s Elite League
VDMSL Contenders Cup
VDMSL Community League 1
VDMSL Community League 4
VDMSL Coed Championship 2
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Futsal Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 4
VDMSL Futsal Championship
VDMSL Championship
VDMSL Women’s Championship
VDMSL Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 4
VDMSL Gray Cup
VDMSL Community League 2
VDMSL Soccer 5 Championship
VDMSL Elite League 2
VDMSL Championship 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 5
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup
VDMSL Championship 5
VDMSL Contenders Cup 7
VDMSL Coed Elite League
VDMSL Coed Championship
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 8
VDMSL Community League 3
VDMSL Soccer 5 Contenders Cup
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 1
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 3
Isidore Bambara
Nour Benadada
Othmane Lferd
Anness Cherid
Rafik Lakehal
Youness Khadiri
Khalil Ismaili
Sultan Deeb
Amany Issa
Aly Olama
Ahmed Majed
Salim Cherkaoui
Antoine Marchal
James Volel
Yassine Veterans
Keanu Bokuna
Lester Gariba
Benjamin Contant
Yann Massock
Johanie Boca
Oussama Veterans
Basti MTL Indomptables
Nour Arabica
Yvan Panthers
Cheick Boussim
Lucas Baillet
Max Apollon
Rafael Ostry
Nicolas Wache
Amir Anthony
Vincent Villasana
Yassine Taoutiq
Jean Phillipe Ouattara
Hirozil Lessard
Said Ouarab
0. Bacim Azzoni
Benjamin Joanette
Omar Chohayber
Yahya Deeb
Khalid Rahim
Oualid Debbache
Yanko Alfonso
Lars Pederson
Nicolas Giovanni
Elliot Tremblay
Tarek Bendahmane
Abiel Guzman Martinez
Cyril Baptiste
Francisco Gasco
Jose Martin Rosado Diaz
Parham Behzad
1. Jules Tchamda
1. Jessy Mowiwga
1. Johnny Xantos
1. Davy Tapsoba
2. Aymen Benalia
2. Kaled Tapsoba
2. Nicolas Avila
3. Maxi Baez
3. Ralph Isidor
3. Yannick Pare
3. Omer Palestinos
3. Ahmed Sylla
3. Evrarol Nkwemi
4. Landry Ombe
4. Rostand Kougang
4. Nick Burgoa
4. Christophe Valette Heiler
4. Hernan Baez
5. Nathaniel Leduc
5. Yann M'Pambia
5. Abdelssamad Palestinos
5. Isidore Bambara
5. Kareem Islam
5. Mamed Panthers
6. Balimt Tamas
6. Didier Vanya
6. Bhoye Sow
6. Zoyat Karl
6. Anass El Kaissouni
7. Anis Kachash
7. Yves Ndandji
7. Joshua Caveos
7. Cedric Yangue
7. Philippe Dionne
8. Nathan Bernier
8. Randol Fresnel
8. Mouad Baous
8. Henry Dash
8. Kervens Ultypolite
8. Richard Carvallio
9. Papis Fade
9. Felipe Ansaldo
9. Lolfi Objoiz
9. Sayon Keita
10. Abdel Cherifi
10. Andre Kafack
10. Moughit Aouane
10. Franck Kwemi
10. Juan Ansaldo
10. Benoit Marchal
11. Aribi Mohammed
11. Basil Khatab
11. Bruno Djeuukam
11. Paul Constantin
11. Alejandro Rojas
12. Luther Ali
12. Baba Mamadou
12. Bobo Mamadou
12. Ramiro Burgoa
12. Andres Garcia
14. Nazim Melaoui
15. Cedric Nkwemi
16. Olivier Mulliet
17. Ibra Fade
18. Lorenzo Rojas
18. Gabriel Richardson
19. Emmanuel Ngamy
20. Neil Zedong
20. Mahdi Palestinos
20. Camilo Rojas
21. Ahmed Fade
21. Akram Palestinos
21. Osama Arabica
23. Guillaume Peyla
24. Cedric Filiatrault
29. Roland Kamdoum
46. Angelo Kigoma
47. Yacine Boussana
80. Abdoul Montreal
99. Anthony St Jean
99. John Veteran
99. Jessy Katawga
99. Christophe Stril
Current Team
Montreal Indomptables
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