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VDMSL Elite League
VDMSL Women’s Elite League
VDMSL Contenders Cup
VDMSL Community League 1
VDMSL Community League 4
VDMSL Coed Championship 2
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Futsal Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 4
VDMSL Futsal Championship
VDMSL Championship
VDMSL Women’s Championship
VDMSL Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 4
VDMSL Gray Cup
VDMSL Community League 2
VDMSL Soccer 5 Championship
VDMSL Elite League 2
VDMSL Championship 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 5
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup
VDMSL Championship 5
VDMSL Contenders Cup 7
VDMSL Coed Elite League
VDMSL Coed Championship
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 8
VDMSL Community League 3
VDMSL Soccer 5 Contenders Cup
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 1
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 3
VDMSL Elite League
VDMSL Women’s Elite League
VDMSL Contenders Cup
VDMSL Community League 1
VDMSL Community League 4
VDMSL Coed Championship 2
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Futsal Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 4
VDMSL Futsal Championship
VDMSL Championship
VDMSL Women’s Championship
VDMSL Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 4
VDMSL Gray Cup
VDMSL Community League 2
VDMSL Soccer 5 Championship
VDMSL Elite League 2
VDMSL Championship 2
VDMSL Contenders Cup 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 5
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup
VDMSL Championship 5
VDMSL Contenders Cup 7
VDMSL Coed Elite League
VDMSL Coed Championship
VDMSL Coed Contenders Cup 2
VDMSL Coed Community League
VDMSL Championship 3
VDMSL Contenders Cup 8
VDMSL Community League 3
VDMSL Soccer 5 Contenders Cup
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 1
VDMSL Soccer 5 Community League 3
Nick Forza
Guru Selvarajan
Mathias Trihey
Hassan Mohsen
Sam Adamo
Adamo Bernola
Nick Gentiletti
Max Morganti
Chazz Morganti
Souhail Bellali
Greig Lewis
Nehemie Ndamiye
Seif Draham
Emery McKelvie
Adnan Gabagool
Victor Pissan
Sakif Noori
Amir Ali
El Mehdi Kabbadj
Anthony Evans
Zouhair Brouzi
Amine Brahami
Zein Deeb
Karim Belkhou
Adil Manar
Bruce Duncan
Alberto Enrique Bethel Rueda
John Dunning
Ariyan Bayati
Jad Khiari
Hassan El Berdai
Gianluca Scartozzi
Jason Savard
Ney Gelin
Laurent Pohe
Amirali Shirkhodaei
Yanis Chemlakh
Franz Chappell
Taha Rashrash
Ian Crown FC
Yacoub Prosper
Yendrich Prosper
Neyar Morambinina Fenitra
Kris Waters
Arnaud Charlier
Peter Hodhod
Brandon Efambe
Dante Scartozzi
Will Prosper
Medhi Crown FC
Arthur Dabilgou
Kevin Tuyisenge
Arnaud Crown FC
Tarek Alexander Al-Dik
Sam Kuznicki
Olivier Rivard
Nabil Boudhar
Albert Wachsmann
Alex Benea
Amar Guernan
Julien Guet
Matis Leveille
Philip Rivkin
Sam Mckenzie
Mathias Majeau
Frederic Rivard
Kevin Moore
Anass Janah
Nick Forza
Sam Squad Goals
Ronilson Compres
Pannual Crown FC
Gianne Reyes
Georges Squad Goals
Phil Mendieta
Franklin Ballerman
Christian De Cotis
Jean Leminh
Yanis Medini
Julian Hughes
Tarek Bendahmane
Seifeddin Ebraham
Jonas Crown FC
Loik Fonseca
Avo Tufenkdjian
Ali Fangachi
Wadi Sadellah
Martin Dumont
Faouzi Sadella
Mike De Gregorio
Angus Legault
Hossam Abdel
Francesco Spena
Maciej Kesik
Hugh Gagnon Smith
1. Adi Orlov
3. Zach Lemenn
4. Adiath Ahmed
4. Brian Powell
5. Noah Leve
7. Rafiul Haque
10. Dany Albouz
12. Frederick Umstadt
15. Nicolas Guerguinov
19. Luca Manglaviti
21. Thula Sinnarajah
21. Daryus Lattimore
22. Nafi Masrur Rahman
43. Anthony Carrabotta
43. Mark Brightman
49. Gregor Leuprecht
72. Daniel Sinnig
73. Johny Housepian
74. Jason Milligan
77. Armen Erzingatzian
78. Andres Verdeja
87. Anton Kulishov
90. Jason Demers
92. Issa Prosper
Current Team
SSC Bomber
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